Brent Mencap to grow flowers for Flower Friends!

Brent Mencap to grow flowers for Flower Friends!

The members of Brent Mencap’s garden group have generously agreed to grow cut flowers in their beautiful garden in Willesden, specially to donate to Flower Friends.

Not only that, they have given us access to a covered space for local gardeners to drop off their donated flowers and for our volunteers to make the arrangements.

Together we had great fun ordering the plants, creating a map of the garden and deciding which plants went where.

Each member of the group chose their personal favourites from a list of cut flowers and shrubs, then sowed the seeds and planted bulbs, tubers, seedlings, and young plants and will nurture them until the flowers and foliage are ready to be cut for the vase.

As well as growing cultivated flowers they will also create two wild flower beds to attract pollinators and the blooms will be used to bring a natural, carefree look to the arrangements we make.

Thank you Brent Mencap! We’re looking forward to cutting the flowers of our creative endeavours.

So exciting!

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